How Pet Insurance Works

Pet health insurance coverage is actually really simple.   After your purchase a Pet Health Insurance Policy from Bragg Insurance Agency you can take your pet for a covered treatment, pay the vet bill, then submit a claim for reimbursement.

When you purchase your pet insurance policy you will be able to:

Photo by Christian Domingues on
  • Select an annual coverage limit of $2,500, $5,000, $10,000 or unlimited.
  • Select a deductible of $100, $250 or $500.
  • Select a reimbursement percentage of 70%, 80% or 90%.

Policies have a 12-month term deductible, so once the deductible is met you won’t have to satisfy it again until the policy renews.  After the annual deductible is met, the reimbursement amount will be 70%, 80% or 90% of the covered invoice, based on the reimbursement percentage selected when the policy was purchased.

A package covering preventive care (with no deductible) is also available

Coverage can be purchased for multiple pets; each will have their own separate policy and premium, and each additional pet policy qualifies for a 10% discount.

Reimbursements can be deposited directly into your bank account or sent via check.

This insurance is applicable for treatments at any licensed veterinary clinic in the U.S. or Canada, including treatment from licensed specialists and emergency facilities.

Why I Purchased Pet Health Insurance

Wrigley, May 2021

Meet Wrigley.  She’s a very energetic Golden Retriever puppy.  When we purchased Wrigley the breeder described her as a “fireball”.  He was right.  She’s all energy and all pup. 

We picked Wrigley up in May of 2021; in July of 2021 she had an awkward fall and broke her back leg at the knee on the growth plate.  A better description would be that she snapped her leg.  It was a mangled mess. 

Of course this happened on a Saturday evening and our regular vet was out until Monday.  The break was so bad that there was no way we could wait until Monday.  So we loaded Wrigley up in the trusty family van and headed to the Purdue Animal Hospital. 

The awesome people at Purdue brought out a stretcher and wheeled her straight back for an exam.  After a few hours we learned that the leg could be save but it would be at least one surgery and a major financial commitment from us.  We agreed, but I was wishing that I had purchased a Pet Insurance policy!

Wrigley remained in the hospital for the weekend and Purdue performed surgery the following Monday.  A day or two later she was home.  Now, while I was told ahead of time about the financial commitment, I wasn’t prepared for the time commitment that was also involved.

For 8 weeks she was not allowed to put any weight on that leg.  She had two pins and until the break was healed it could have easily re-broken.

So for 8 week my family and I wandered around our yard with Wrigley; the leash in one hand and a sling in the other.   This was probably good entertainment for our neighbors and those driving by.

At the end of the 8 weeks we then had a couple of weeks of home physical therapy and then Wrigley was off and running again.  I can’t say enough about how good the people at Purdue were, but because they are so good, they deserve to be paid well.  And they are.

Now Wrigley is happy and healthy and runs on that once broken leg like the accident never happened. Because of our experience with Wrigley’s broken leg, the Purdue Animal Hospital and the expenses that were incurred, we are happy to now offer Pet Insurance!

Just for the record, we do indeed now have Pet Insurance for Wrigley. In fact, Wrigley now works for Bragg Insurance Agency as a spokesperson (or would that be spokesdog?)

For more information on how you can protect your bank account from unexpected expenses related to your Pet(s), contact Bragg Insurance for a free Pet Insurance Quote.